pro.NET's Registration Management System allows you to take control of all aspects of the administration of your event, including secure online registration, attendance reports and financial statements.
Pro.NET Communications would like to introduce you to our newest
addition to the team, Claudia Guerrero, our lead Graphic Designer.
Claudia has come on board Pro.NET Communications to provide our
clients with custom graphic design solutions. Whether it's for the
web or for print she will be here to help you with your every design
She graduated with a diploma in graphic design and illustration from Capilano College, and extended her studies at Emily Carr Art Institute and Vancouver Film School.
Her 10 years of experience includes work from a variety of clients in industries such as Professional Sports Teams, Forest Industry, Financial and Investment Institutions, Accounting Firms, Real Estate Developments, Real Estate Agents, Pharmaceutical Producers, Bakery and Coffee Producers, Educational & non-profit organizations, Wedding and Event Coordinators, and many more.
Client List:
BC Health Care Jobs
Bolognese & Company
Buy Bulk Coffee
Canadian Forest Products (Canfor)
Charlie Cameron Agent 9.15
Contact Enterprises
CountDown Events
Events by Cheryl
Holista Health Canada & Holista USA
Incredible Goodies Bakery
International Commercial TV
Investors Group
J. Casperson and Associates
Matt Henry Real Estate Agent
Orca Bay Sports and Entertainment
Science Fair BC
Stoney Ridge Homes
The Ravens Lacrosse
Vancouver Canucks
Vancouver Whitecaps
WN Pharmaceutical Ltd.
Click here to learn more about the Graphic Design Services we can offer you.